Reading from my work: July 19, at 5 PM PDT

I’m participating in a public reading on Zoom, Wednesday July 19, starting at 5 PM. I’ll read an essay titled, “I Was Lucky,” part of my story of growing up in the shadow of childhood loss. I’d love to have an audience of friends and acquaintances and readers of my blog. I’ll send out the Zoom link in a group email in a few days. To get the Zoom link, enter your email into the Email Update form on the left side of this page, which will also let you receive occasional short pieces of my writing. Thank you! Note:…

Review: “Four Thousand Weeks”

We have to accept that we are creatures with limited time, and that sometimes we are subject to disappointment and there’s no way around it. Which means we have to be patient. On the positive side, we get to set the priorities that make us feel like our real self, and being patient feels good. The implications Burkeman lays out grow bigger with each chapter.